Monday, January 25, 2010


This idea of entitlement is baffling to me. I was watching a news program where they were interviewing (mostly younger adults) on the street. The questions being asked was "What do you owe your country?" Every response was a variation of "Nothing." When asked what the country owed them the answers ranged from a education including college, to of course health care, to a job, to a place to live, even a car so one could get to work.

I just do not get it. Why are we entitled to everything because we were born here? In the age group I am in my great grandparents lived through the great depression. My grandparents were adults during World War II. Those two generations sacrificed. Saved. Skimped. Fought and died. They did all those things for my parents, myself, my kids, and future generations.

My parents generation seemed to go one of two ways. They either gave their kids everything they could afford. Or they took a cue from their parents and were thrifty and prepared for the next major crisis. A crisis which never really came...til now.

We are at the point now where my generation the 30 somethings and the 20 somethings are going to have to sacrifice. We are going to have to give up some of our entitlements for the next few generations to survive. If we don't, this country, and all it's greatness will be lost.

Yes I am one of those who believes in American exceptionalizm. I believe for several reasons this country has been blessed with greatness. This country has contributed more time, talent, and treasure to building up people all around the world than any nation has before. That is what we are suppose to do. To who much is given much is expected.

We as a generation need to start giving back. Serving our country by serving others. We are not entitled to all the riches just because we were born here. We are not entitled to everything this country can provide because our great grandparents, our grand parents, and our parents sacrificed for us. We must do the same to secure the future for our offspring.

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