Monday, February 8, 2010

Tim Tebow Commercial

WHERE WAS THE CONTROVERSY? There wasn't any. Just a sweet ad about a mother and her son. How proud she was of him and how glad that he was alive.

The controversy was that N.O.W., Planed Parenthood, and the pro-choice factions did not want the ad no mater what it said. They wanted to stop someones free speech without even knowing what the ad said. They don't like the people paying for the ad so we must shut them up.

If your argument is the right answer you should not care what the other side has to say. In fact when someone is wrong it is better to let them blabber on and on. But not these pro-choice lobbyist. Shut the other side up at all cost.

When they realised their was nothing in the add but a sweet story and a link to read the rest if YOU wanted to. The head of N.O.W. had to come out and say the ad promoted violence against women. She said nothing about the Betty White ad though. You see it is about who is saying it, not what is being said.

This hypocritical insanity is driving me....well...crazy!

This whole thing should give use great insight into who these people really are and what they really want. They want you to shut up if you do not agree with them. Well I for one will not.

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