Monday, February 22, 2010

Toyota conflict of intrest?

I have been wondering for a few weeks now: Since we now own GM would our government be pressuring GM as vigorously as they are Toyota?

Not that I am defending Toyota. Nor am I say our government should not be pursing these safety issues.

But if you were the owner of a company would you pressure yourself? Would you make yourself testify before Congress? I am sure you would not. So it is a fair question.

Now the other question. Will Toyota point this out. That the U.S. Government is an owner of a competing car company? And if so does this cause a conflict of interest for the U.S. Government? Therefore, the United States cannot impose well...anything.

I don't know the answers to these questions. I am just asking. And if I am asking don't you think the Toyota lawyers are looking into it?

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